Environmental Economics, esp. Economics of Renewable Energy

Environmental Economics, esp. Economics of Renewable Energy

Welcome to the group of Environmental Economics, esp. Economics of Renewable Energy. Since February 2017, Florian Ziel is assistant professor and the head of the group. The research objectives are the quantitative modeling of energy markets with focus on the impact of renewable energy.

Current Announcements

 Fri, 05. Jul. 2024   Zimmermann, Monika

Best Paper Award

Prof. Dr. Florian Ziel received the Best Paper Award at the International Symposium on Forecasting for his paper Conformal Prediction Interval Estimations with an Application to Day-Ahead and Intraday Power Markets with Christophe...
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 Fri, 05. Jul. 2024   Zimmermann, Monika

1st Place Award in the Battle of Water Demand Forecasting

The Team ZWUcaster with Jens Kley-Holsteg, Björn Sonnenschein, Gergor Johnen, Florian Ziel has won the 1st Place Award in the Battle of Water Demand Forecasting. The Forecasting Competition was organized at the 3rd...
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 Thu, 04. Jul. 2024   Zimmermann, Monika

Job advertisement

We are looking for research assistants (f/m/d) for the newly founded Collaborative Research Center (CRC) TRR 391 "Spatio-temporal Statistics for the Transition of Energy and Transport" (salary group 13 TV-L, 75 %). The House of...
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 Wed, 05. Jun. 2024   Zimmermann, Monika

DFG funding - Empirical research for the energy transition

We are very pleased to announce that the German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding a joint project between the University of Duisburg-Essen, TU Dortmund University and Ruhr University Bochum in the field of empirical research...
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 Wed, 17. Apr. 2024   Zimmermann, Monika

Job advertisement

We are looking for a research assistant (f/m/d) for the EfEMOD project (salary group 13 TV-L, 75 %). The House of Energy Markets and Finance is one of the leading European research institutes for quantitative energy economics. ...
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 Mon, 28. Aug. 2023   Berrisch, Jonathan

Job advertisement

We are looking for two research assistants (f/m/d) for the PRIORITY project (salary group 13 TV-L, 75 %) The House of Energy Markets and Finance is one of the leading European research institutes for quantitative energy economics....
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 Thu, 15. Jun. 2023   Berrisch, Jonathan

Announcement of the Lecture "Umweltökonomik und erneuerbare Energien (B.Sc.)" Winter Term 2023/2024

In the winter semester 2020/2021 our chair offers the course "Environmental Economics and Renewable Energies (B.Sc.)". Further information can be found on the overview page.
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 Thu, 15. Jun. 2023   Berrisch, Jonathan

Announcement of the Lecture "Econometrics of Elecricity Markets (M.Sc.)" in Winter Term 2023/2024

In the Winter semester 2023/2024 our chair will offer the course "Econometrics of Elecricity Markets (M.Sc.)". Further information about the course can be found on the course pages.
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 Wed, 03. May. 2023   Berrisch, Jonathan

Alumni-WiWi-Essen-Award for Paul Ghelasi

We congratulate Paul Ghelasi for the Alumni-WiWi-Essen-Award for outstanding academic achievements. He wrote his master thesis at our chair. Research based on the master thesis has already been published in the International...
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 Fri, 27. Jan. 2023   Berrisch, Jonathan

Job advertisement

We are looking for two research assistants (f/m/d) for the PRIORITY project (salary group 13 TV-L, 75 %) The House of Energy Markets and Finance is one of the leading European research institutes for quantitative energy economics....
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 Fri, 27. Jan. 2023   Berrisch, Jonathan

DFG Project PRIORITY Accepted

PRobabilistic mid- and long-term prIce fORecasting In electriciTY markets (PRIORITY)
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 Thu, 05. Jan. 2023   Berrisch, Jonathan

Update on reachability and teaching materials

Our chair can now be reached again via the old e-mail addresses: Florian Ziel: florian.ziel@uni-due.de  Jonathan Berrisch: jonathan.berrisch@uni-due.de The teaching materials will also be made available again via Moodle...
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Currently showing 1 to 12 out of 38